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Smile Gallery


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Many patients experience wear of their teeth over time. Porcelain crowns can help protect your teeth and restore your original, youthful appearance. Years of dental work can gradually make your teeth unrecognizable. New restorations can restore your smile.
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A mismatched crown can affect your whole smile. "Whiter" is not always better. We take time to blend your new crown to your surrounding teeth. A fractured front tooth can seem devastating, but crown as an option can make all the difference.
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Crowns can be used to help protect your teeth from future wear or fracture. Properly contoured porcelain crowns can blend with your natural teeth for a beautiful result. When single crowns are needed, we provide custom staining to blend your new crowns with the features that are naturally present in your surrounding teeth.
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Some patients experience extreme dental wear. New restorations can replace the tooth structure that has disappeared over time. Even teeth that seem ‘too far gone’ may be able to be saved with porcelain crowns.


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Over time, patients with dentures can experience loss of facial support that can greatly affect their ability to function. With new implant retained dentures, we can restore function and facial support. We have many patients who elect to have conventional dentures rather than implant options. We work with you to create a customized denture to suit your particular features and wishes.
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Complete dentures can be a solution when there is no choice but to remove your remaining natural teeth. We work with you to select denture teeth that look natural, to recreate a smile that suits you.


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Trauma to a front tooth can result in the loss of a tooth. Implant replacement can be used to mimic the natural appearance – even in a very esthetic area. The right restoration makes all the difference.
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Simply having a tooth replaced with an implant is not always a final solution. We work to shape the tissue and tooth to blend with you natural teeth.
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Life events can affect your teeth over time. Implant retained bridges are a solid, stable, esthetic solution.
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An unfortunate accident can change your life. Implant restorations can help you move forward with confidence. We help our patients transition through different dental phases with a focus on an excellent final result. Implant bridges can be the solution to missing teeth and failing restorations.
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Some patients experience continual tooth issues that can only be solved with removal of all the teeth. Fortunately, full arch implant replacement options are available to provide stable teeth that, unlike conventional dentures, do not need to be removed. Transitioning from a worn denture, that accentuates your age, to a fixed implant replacement with a vibrant, bright setup can rejuvenate your smile and boost your confidence.


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Porcelain veneers can be used to create subtle changes that completely transform your smile.Veneers can help make a huge improvement in a patient’s confidence.

KOR Whitening


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Smile Gallery • Phillips Prosthodontics • Dental Implants Greensboro, NC
The right dental restoration makes all the difference in helping you get the smile you've always dreamed of. Julie A. Phillips, DDS, MS, in Greensboro NC, can help!
Phillips Prosthodontics, 408 B Parkway Avenue, Greensboro, NC 27401 \ 336-274-5400 \ \ 2/6/2025 \ Related Terms: dental implants Greensboro NC \